Monday, July 2, 2007

100 pounds off

Imagine this:

One year ago, you were extremely fat. You weighed 230 pounds while your waistline measures 41 inches. But 7 months later, you weighed 130 pounds while your waistline reduces to 28 inches.

How did you do it? How did you lose 100 pounds in 7 months? How did you lose 14 inches off your waist?

This scenario sounds far-fetched to you. Some may argue that losing 110 pounds in 7 months is impossible, but this imaginary scenario does happen to me.

One year ago, I was fat. So fat my boyfriend left me for another slimmer and sexier girl. The break-up devastated me. I slipped into a depression and had to undergo psychiatric treatment for a couple of months.

But once I finished treatment I had a new resolve. I resolved to lose my weight no matter what. I didn't want to be fat anymore. What are the chances a man would date me if I'm fatter than a baby elephant?

So I began dieting. I followed one of the most popular diets around, but I find it very difficult to follow the diet. I was hungry all the time and felt miserable. It was then when a personal trainer friend suggested me Hoodia Gordonii Plus to help my weight loss.

I was skeptical at first. Is Hoodia Gordonii another weight loss scam? Is it safe? How can these tiny little pills help me lose weight?

My friend assured me that Hoodia pills are safe, and they work by suppressing my appetite so that I'll eat less food. As a result I'll consume less calories and lose weight.

His explanation sounded baloney to me. But I'd nothing to lose. The prospect of a dateless life was not an option to me. So I figure I should give Hoodia Gordonii Plus a shot.

Like what my friend claimed, Hoodia Gordonii suppressed my appetite. I eat significantly less and can go without food for hours. I only eat when necessary.

7 months later, I lost 110 pounds and 14 inches off my waist. My new slim figure thrills my family and friends. My ex-boyfriend who I bumped into the other day was surprised at my new sexy figure. He even made a pass at me when his girlfriend was looking the other way. I gave him the finger.

Since I've lost my weight, I'm no longer on Hoodia pills. I'm positive I won't gain all my weight back because I'm now on a sensible diet and exercise program. But If I do get fat again, I know I can always take Hoodia Gordonii Plus to lose weight.

Some skeptics say Hoodia's weight-loss effect is just a placebo effect. I would like to say to them : If Hoodia Gordonii Plus is a placebo, then it must be one hell of a placebo since I lost 110 pounds taking a placebo.

Do you know that up to 90% of all Hoodia Gordonii pills on the internet are fake? Do you want to find out how to get the real Hoodia Gordonii pills that work?